Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Love Quotes


It won’t be wrong to place the emotion of love on the top of every other emotion. Love is crowned as an emotion which always prevails. There is no other emotion as powerful as love. It is because of love that the world is still a better place to live. Among all the hatred and negative emotions lingering in our societies, it is love that takes over and wins every time. It might take some time but it will eventually find its way.  Love should be celebrated above everything. People should find the courage and strength to express their love for their loved ones. For some people it is very difficult to express love as they think that they might hurt their ego. But, expressing love for someone is the most effective way to make them feel special, to turn this world into a beautiful place. Here are some love quotes which gives makes it evident that people in this world prioritize expressing love to everyone.


A girl loves being pampered and when someone acknowledges his love for her publicly. Girls find those boys attractive who are not afraid to say out loud their love for their beloved. It is important to realize that true love can never hide. So those who love someone with a pure heart will unintentionally showcase their love for their loved ones. Here are some Inspirational love quotes for her:

This Inspirational love quote for her is all about finding your perfect partner in her. There will be plenty of girls around you, but it is your loyalty and love for her that will make you stick to her. You will only look for her in the crowd.

This love quote highlights that true love is all about true friendship. Friendship that will last forever.

For those who love truly, their life and dream both are not complete without that person’s presence. That person is your soul mate and you can’t imagine yourself without them.


Where girls enjoy being pampered, boys feel the same when girls express their love towards them. It is a stereotype that guys are hard like rocks and nothing moves them, but little gestures of love and affection can melt them like candles. They are the ones who whole heartedly enjoy being loved. They want their partners to show their affection, love and care towards them. Below are some Inspirational love quotes for him:

This inspirational love quote for him tells us that when we love someone with all our heart they become a part of our soul. You feel instant connection with them.

The love for your guy is so passionate that the intensity can be felt in your bones. The love is so powerful that your partner can feel its heat too.

This love quote is the cutest way to express your love for him. He will be overwhelmed to know that he occupies all of your heart. He is the king of it.


Love can prosper everywhere; the only condition is that it should be pure and true. If it is pure then love can thrive anywhere in the world. A person doesn’t need to be close to someone in order to keep the love alive. They just need to have strong feelings and true love for someone and then that person always remains alive in someone’s heart. Long distance relationships are one of the most beautiful relationships that we can witness. Two people living apart, without seeing each other and yet staying rock solid together is indeed a very beautiful thing. Those who maintain long distance relationships prove to love each other despite all the odds coming their way. Things get tough when you don’t get to see your partner for days, relationship becomes complicated and many times you feel like breaking up with each other. But all that who leaves these thoughts behind and tries their best to keep the spark in their relationship alive is what true love is. Here are some INSPIRATIONAL LOVE QUOTES FOR LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS which will make us believe in it once again:

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