Einstein Quotes
You really can’t find a lot of
people that haven’t heard the name Einstein. Perhaps one of the single most
influential individuals in the history of your world. Albert Einstein is still
one of the best minds ever recognized. His name is almost a synonym for the
word genius. That was the level of intellect that he possessed. His theory laid
the foundation for the modern sciences as we know of them today.
So, it is only natural that
people would be infatuated with his quotes. So we are going to look at some of
the best Einstein quotes we could find online.
Albert Einstein Quotes about Life:
“Few are those who see with their own eyes and
feel with their own hearts.”
We are starting strong here,
through his words it is clear what kind of a mind did Albert Einstein had. Not
only did he have outstanding mathematical talent but he had a deeper
understanding of life as well.
“Try not to become a man of success, but rather
try to become a man of value.”
When we have an individual that
had the brain power as did Einstein it is not a surprise that he knows what
true success is like. A lot of the time we don’t seem to know where we are
heading when we go in too deep looking for success.
A lot of us might not get this
especially if you are young but people that have a few years under their belt know
that these are words to live by.
· “Look deep into nature, and then you will
understand everything better.”
Take some time to look at the
beautiful world you have around you. You won’t regret it, and that is a
“Great spirits have always encountered violent
opposition from mediocre minds.”
Funny Einstein Quotes:
When we say that we are going to
be looking at some funny Einstein quotes you have to remember that a man of his
caliber has a high level of humor. So this is going to be more of sophisticated
genera of humor.
· “The difference between stupidity and genius is
that genius has its limits.”
Anyone that doesn’t understand
this quote of his needs to either meet some people or realize something that
might be a bit hurtful. Hey, don't focus so much on the negative but rather on
the positive of this quote and what you should talk away from it. So the next
time you are in an argument with an idiotic individual, stop and let them have
the last word.
· “Education is what remains after one has
forgotten everything he learned in school.”
Even that long ago, he was one
that saw that this system isn’t the best way of educating our kids. And while
we really don’t have a solution just yet, the first step is always understanding
Albert Einstein Quotes Technology:
· “I fear the day that technology will surpass our
human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”
Well aside from this being quite
funny it is also true for the world we are living in today. With all the trends
we have seen in the past 2018 alone we really can’t say that Albert Einstein
wasn’t right.
Now we do have to give a fair
disclaimer as there are debates on this specific Einstein quote. A lot of
people are not convinced that this is an actual quote from the man. They
believe that its origins are rooted in the movie and that is where it was
So that is that, but if he did
actually say something to that lines we have to say that his site was quite far
into the future. And anyone that doesn't feel so, do remember that one of the
biggest trends of the last year was eating laundry soap.
Einstein Quotes about Time:
The man that came up with the
theory of relativity made it super easy for people like us to understand. It
isn’t surprising that people at the time wouldn't be too open-minded to a
complex scientific theory.
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