Friday, February 22, 2019

Einstein Quotes

Einstein Quotes

You really can’t find a lot of people that haven’t heard the name Einstein. Perhaps one of the single most influential individuals in the history of your world. Albert Einstein is still one of the best minds ever recognized. His name is almost a synonym for the word genius. That was the level of intellect that he possessed. His theory laid the foundation for the modern sciences as we know of them today.
So, it is only natural that people would be infatuated with his quotes. So we are going to look at some of the best Einstein quotes we could find online. 

Albert Einstein Quotes about Life:

·         “Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.”

We are starting strong here, through his words it is clear what kind of a mind did Albert Einstein had. Not only did he have outstanding mathematical talent but he had a deeper understanding of life as well.

·         “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”

When we have an individual that had the brain power as did Einstein it is not a surprise that he knows what true success is like. A lot of the time we don’t seem to know where we are heading when we go in too deep looking for success.

A lot of us might not get this especially if you are young but people that have a few years under their belt know that these are words to live by.

·       “Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
Take some time to look at the beautiful world you have around you. You won’t regret it, and that is a guarantee.

·         “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

Funny Einstein Quotes:

When we say that we are going to be looking at some funny Einstein quotes you have to remember that a man of his caliber has a high level of humor. So this is going to be more of sophisticated genera of humor.

·        “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.”

Anyone that doesn’t understand this quote of his needs to either meet some people or realize something that might be a bit hurtful. Hey, don't focus so much on the negative but rather on the positive of this quote and what you should talk away from it. So the next time you are in an argument with an idiotic individual, stop and let them have the last word.

·        “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.”

Even that long ago, he was one that saw that this system isn’t the best way of educating our kids. And while we really don’t have a solution just yet, the first step is always understanding “why.”

Albert Einstein Quotes Technology:

·        “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.”

Well aside from this being quite funny it is also true for the world we are living in today. With all the trends we have seen in the past 2018 alone we really can’t say that Albert Einstein wasn’t right.
Now we do have to give a fair disclaimer as there are debates on this specific Einstein quote. A lot of people are not convinced that this is an actual quote from the man. They believe that its origins are rooted in the movie and that is where it was conceptualized.

So that is that, but if he did actually say something to that lines we have to say that his site was quite far into the future. And anyone that doesn't feel so, do remember that one of the biggest trends of the last year was eating laundry soap.

Einstein Quotes about Time:

The man that came up with the theory of relativity made it super easy for people like us to understand. It isn’t surprising that people at the time wouldn't be too open-minded to a complex scientific theory. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Quotes For Depression


Depression is an illness which wasn’t given attention to in previous time. However, now there is awareness being spread about it. Like other illness, depression can be fatal too. Severe depression can cause people to take their own lives and end this darkness which is not letting them live. Depression makes a person feel hollow and empty, and it takes away the ability to perceive and understand anything going around. Depression may be a severe illness. Nevertheless, it is not unbeatable. You can beat depression and live a happy life. All it takes is a little courage, motivation, medical help and love from your surroundings. Here are some depression quotes which will give us an insight into the people dealing with it:


Depression is scary for those who are suffering from it. Patients with depression may seem happy and content on the outside, but the battle they are fighting within is the actual condition that they are going through. Below are depression and anxiety quotes:

   This depression and anxiety quote tell us that it is easier to explain to people that they have a broken bone than to elucidate that there is a storm of ugly thoughts in our mind.

    This anxiety and depression quote shows a way to let people with depression deal with the sadness however they are willing to.

    This depression quote translates feelings of people who are patients of depression. They do not understand whatever is happening inside them.

   This depression quote is about contrasts that go hand in hand in a person’s life. For example, they try to deal with failure by being unproductive.

    This depression and anxiety quote tell that depression is like the weather, it just lingers around someone’s life. Therefore, it gets difficult for people to explain it.


People suffering from depression can curb it through motivation, courage, and love. It is not easy to fight depression as it may sound but it is not impossible as well. Here are some motivational quotes for depression:

    This deep depression guides us to keep ourselves busy. The more inactive you stay, the more depression will take over you.

    This deep depression quote tells us to embrace every situation the way it is. Therefore, we should not over think.

   This inspirational quote for depression asks us to love ourselves at any cost. It doesn’t matter where we are in life, and we should like ourselves.

    This inspirational quote for depression gives us the courage to believe that the cloud of sadness will go away.

   This quote for depression tells us that there is always a silver lining, we just need to look for it.

Overcoming depression quotes

We can overcome every suffering of our life. With strong willpower and positive attitude, everything can be possible. Overcoming depression, anxiety, and stress is possible. All we need is a positive outlook towards life and courage to implement it. Here are some Overcoming depression quotes:

  This overcoming depression quote guides us about judging ourselves when we are at our best because that’s when we are at our peak. Other times when we are low just push us down

 This overcoming depression quote explains to us that life is like a roller coaster. Therefore, we shouldn’t be afraid of the ups and downs as they make us who we are.

   Nobody deserves our love and affection as much as we do. Therefore, we should love ourselves more than anyone else.

    It is not always that we are suffering from depression. Sometimes the company we have and people who surround us discharge negative vibes which makes us low and gloomy.

    This depression quote encourages us to believe in good times that are yet to come. All this pain and suffering shouldn’t go in vain.

Short Depression quotes

Tumblr has some heart touching depression quotes. They give us an insight into people who have been fighting for long enough to be well and happy in their lives. However, all they find is darkness and a dead end in their life. Here are some depression quotes from Tumblr:

   This short depression quote gives us chills. When in depression someone feels like they are drowning they don’t even try to save themselves or get some help.

   This about having a gloomy perception about life, that all good things will end and nothing positive will be left.

    This depression quote is about waiting for things to change but the depression that has built a home inside us makes us want to give up and doesn’t let us see any sort of hope.

    Sometimes it all looks like a delusion. Sometimes you have to wait for so long that life seems to be nothing but a lie.

    This depression quote is all about the hopelessness of a sad personal experience and sees no positive change in their life. It becomes challenging for them to find a reason to fight and continue.  

Love Poems

Love poems

Love is the chief emotion that runs the world. Love is a standout amongst the most generous feelings and the purpose behind numerous different feelings that breeds from it. What separates love from everything else is that it is experienced by every single living being on Planet Earth. No one can avert their eyes away from love, it will find you and rest in you. Love is the driving force of human beings, without love this place would be like a piece of land where zombies reside. Love is, in fact, the most beautiful and pure feeling that one could feel.

There is an entire day dedicated to love, Valentine’s day. People celebrate their love for their family, friends and partners. Every day is a day of love but this is a specific day dedicated to love so that hundreds of people celebrate this unmatchable feeling. People buy each other presents, go out with their families, make their loved ones feel special and some of us write love poems. This article also comprises of some love poems for him, love poems for her, famous poems about love, lost love poems, and love poems for her from the heart.

Poetry is the essence of love. From centuries poetry has been the medium where a lover can express his feelings for his beloved. Be it any language, poetry is an essential part of literature. Poetry enables a poet to express their feelings in unimaginable ways. They find beauty and express it in the most aesthetic way. Poetry is all about love, and there are several love poems which we can get inspiration from. Love and pain has turned many people into poets. Without love a poet’s work is incomplete. The pain that follows love makes the poet feel with intensity which he later translates into words. These words become precious because they are coming from a pure heart which has felt love to the core. Love is inevitable and those who can’t write poetry can definitely relate to it.

When a person is in love he finds his beloved as the most beautiful person. No one can match her/his beauty. No one can mesmerize the lover with their beauty and personality like that of their lover. They find their beloved to be prettier than the fairies or angels. When people are in love they just want to be around their beloved. They want to make sure that the people they love are happy and doing well. They are not concerned about themselves but are more concerned about the people they love. Love makes them selfless. For them their entire world revolves around that one person who has captivated their heart and taken over their soul. They can’t think beyond that person. They only want them, and their presence around them.

Love is an enigmatic emotion which has the ability to change people’s life. Sometimes people who used to think only about themselves now have their life revolving around someone they truly admire and have true feelings for. Without love we are merely existing, it is not only the emotion of humans but animals as well. It is universal in every way. It acts as a lubricant to the rusted doors of life.

To write poetry for someone is one of the most beautiful way to express your love for someone. People get impressed very easily with this aesthetic way of expression. Combining words, making them a lot more meaningful and heartfelt with the efforts and thoughts behind the process. Poetry can melt anyone’s heart, and the most captivating thing about words is that they are eternal. Even after the love between two people dies or you have parted ways, words live. They are an evidence and memory of your feelings for someone who was ruling your heart.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Love Quotes


It won’t be wrong to place the emotion of love on the top of every other emotion. Love is crowned as an emotion which always prevails. There is no other emotion as powerful as love. It is because of love that the world is still a better place to live. Among all the hatred and negative emotions lingering in our societies, it is love that takes over and wins every time. It might take some time but it will eventually find its way.  Love should be celebrated above everything. People should find the courage and strength to express their love for their loved ones. For some people it is very difficult to express love as they think that they might hurt their ego. But, expressing love for someone is the most effective way to make them feel special, to turn this world into a beautiful place. Here are some love quotes which gives makes it evident that people in this world prioritize expressing love to everyone.


A girl loves being pampered and when someone acknowledges his love for her publicly. Girls find those boys attractive who are not afraid to say out loud their love for their beloved. It is important to realize that true love can never hide. So those who love someone with a pure heart will unintentionally showcase their love for their loved ones. Here are some Inspirational love quotes for her:

This Inspirational love quote for her is all about finding your perfect partner in her. There will be plenty of girls around you, but it is your loyalty and love for her that will make you stick to her. You will only look for her in the crowd.

This love quote highlights that true love is all about true friendship. Friendship that will last forever.

For those who love truly, their life and dream both are not complete without that person’s presence. That person is your soul mate and you can’t imagine yourself without them.


Where girls enjoy being pampered, boys feel the same when girls express their love towards them. It is a stereotype that guys are hard like rocks and nothing moves them, but little gestures of love and affection can melt them like candles. They are the ones who whole heartedly enjoy being loved. They want their partners to show their affection, love and care towards them. Below are some Inspirational love quotes for him:

This inspirational love quote for him tells us that when we love someone with all our heart they become a part of our soul. You feel instant connection with them.

The love for your guy is so passionate that the intensity can be felt in your bones. The love is so powerful that your partner can feel its heat too.

This love quote is the cutest way to express your love for him. He will be overwhelmed to know that he occupies all of your heart. He is the king of it.


Love can prosper everywhere; the only condition is that it should be pure and true. If it is pure then love can thrive anywhere in the world. A person doesn’t need to be close to someone in order to keep the love alive. They just need to have strong feelings and true love for someone and then that person always remains alive in someone’s heart. Long distance relationships are one of the most beautiful relationships that we can witness. Two people living apart, without seeing each other and yet staying rock solid together is indeed a very beautiful thing. Those who maintain long distance relationships prove to love each other despite all the odds coming their way. Things get tough when you don’t get to see your partner for days, relationship becomes complicated and many times you feel like breaking up with each other. But all that who leaves these thoughts behind and tries their best to keep the spark in their relationship alive is what true love is. Here are some INSPIRATIONAL LOVE QUOTES FOR LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIPS which will make us believe in it once again: